Thursday, April 16, 2009

Susan Boyle: It's Never Too Late

If you haven’t already seen it, check out this YouTube video of Susan Boyle on Britain’s Got Talent 2009. Embedding was disabled for this 12 million plus viewed video, so you’ll need to click on the colored, underlined text to see it. While you’re watching, check the faces and expressions of the judges and the audience and think about your own first reaction to the contestant.

I confess that I was as skeptical as the audience and judges. You know if 12 million people check out a YouTube video in a week, there’s something incredibly good or bad about it, one way or another. When Susan Boyle began to sing, tears came to my eyes. My next reaction was that perhaps it was a hoax. “How could someone with that voice not be discovered?” I asked my husband Jim. He suggested that maybe she had been living out her life in a little village and never had a chance to pursue a career.

It turns out Jim was right on the money. Susan, 47, had lived with and been caring for her mother in the village of Blackburn in Scotland. Her dream was to offer a tribute to her mother who passed away a year or so ago. You can watch a video interview of her on CBS’ Early Show. What a wake-up call!

We all know the axiom “never judge a book by its cover.” Susan Boyle also reminds us of that other wise old saying:

“It's never too late to be who you might have been.”
George Eliot
English novelist (1819 - 1880)



  1. I like that they pre-judged her, but admitted it. Never judge a book by it's cover. I think she was fantastic and seemed at ease, though she said she was nervous. Barbara

  2. I, too, was (as they say in the UK) "gobsmacked" by Susan's incredible voice when I saw her on You-Tube several days ago. A lesson to be learned for all of us about pre-judging people!!
    I hope we hear more from this phenomenon!!

  3. What a wonderful tribute for her Mother. I'm sure her Mom always told her she could sing, and now the world can hear her too.

  4. Thank you Barbara, Kate, and Sandy. Your comments keep me writing while I'm learning more and more about blogging.

  5. What an inspiration to all. Pamela

  6. She's wonderful, I watched the video last night, and then re-watched it, and now I watched again per your e-mail/blog. Agree with your whole blog, but the George Eliot quote is excellent! Glad you downloaded a picture - and cannot think of a better alias than Gaby!! Pam

  7. Hi Donna, I did watch the Susan Boyle segment on the Today Show and was wowed by her talent. She's incredible! Susan

  8. Thanks for sending us the Susan Boyle link. We have listened to it countless times. Linked to the link now is a recording she made in 1999 for a charity CD. She has been talented for years.
    Her voice is beautiful on the Cry Me a River song too.

  9. Was she the person they were making fun of on some of the talk shows because of that barefoot photo of her at her door?
